Edit detail for TipsAndTricks revision 1 of 3

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Editor: DonovanBaarda
Time: 2014/10/28 10:58:30 GMT+11

Fix lxterminal to be a login shell

If you don't do this, your .profile and/or .bash_profile will not be sourced. The lxterminal manpage will tell you that -l gives you a login terminal, but this also changes to use /bin/sh instead of bash. So, right click on the menu item, click "properties; Desktop Entry", and change the command to::

  lxterminal --geometry=160x75 -e "bash -il"

Note if you have copied this menu item to any panel "Application Launch Bar" you will need to remove and re-add it to get the changes.

Fix lxterminal to be a login shell

If you don't do this, your .profile and/or .bash_profile will not be sourced. The lxterminal manpage will tell you that -l gives you a login terminal, but this also changes to use /bin/sh instead of bash. So, right click on the menu item, click "properties; Desktop Entry", and change the command to:

lxterminal --geometry=160x75 -e "bash -il"

Note if you have copied this menu item to any panel "Application Launch Bar" you will need to remove and re-add it to get the changes.