RealisticLeveling 1.14.omod [basic info] Name: RealisticLeveling Author: Donovan Baarda (abo) version: 1.14 Contact: Website: Realistic Leveling ---------------------------- This mod changes leveling and attribute gains to be more realistic and provide better game play. Level and attributes will increase naturally as your skills improve, without the need to micromanage them or worry about what skills to use to optimise your advancement. Date this omod was compiled: 28/09/2011 10:41:06 PM Contains readme: yes Contains script: yes [omod file information] File size: 24 kilobytes Internal omod file version: 4 CRC: B8589EB7 Created or installed: 28/09/2011 10:41 PM Last modified: 28/09/2011 10:41 PM [Complete plugin list] RealisticLeveling.esm [Complete data file list] RealisticLeveling.ini (64C2C4B8) menus\levelup_menu.xml (4DD18BBF) menus\levelup_menu_darnui.xml (1750789F) menus\levelup_menu_darkui.xml (EF197E56) [Currently installed plugin list] RealisticLeveling.esm [Currently installed data files] RealisticLeveling.ini menus\levelup_menu.xml