RealisticHealth 1.3.omod [basic info] Name: RealisticHealth Author: Donovan Baarda (abo) version: 1.3 Contact: Website: RealisticHealth =============== Adds immersive indicators for low health and disease. Adds blur and tunnel-vision-fade low health warnings. Adds blur and peripheral-vision-colors disease warnings. Adds slow magicka, fatigue, and health burns for disease. Date this omod was compiled: 2/06/2010 10:40:46 PM Contains readme: yes Contains script: yes [omod file information] File size: 9 kilobytes Internal omod file version: 4 CRC: 97E31386 Created or installed: 2/06/2010 10:40 PM Last modified: 2/06/2010 10:48 PM [Complete plugin list] RealisticHealth.esp [Complete data file list] RealisticHealth.ini (9B2289FC) Shaders\RealisticHealth.fx (863B062C) [Currently installed plugin list] RealisticHealth.esp [Currently installed data files] RealisticHealth.ini Shaders\RealisticHealth.fx