Here are some notes on combining the Tk Event loop with the async lib and/or Medusa. Many thanks to Aaron Rhodes ( for the info! > Sam, > > Just wanted to send you a quick message about how I managed to > finally integrate Tkinter with asyncore. This solution is pretty > straightforward. From the main tkinter event loop i simply added > a repeating alarm that calls asyncore.poll() every so often. So > the code looks like this: > > in main: > import asyncore > > self.socket_check() > > ... > > then, socket_check() is: > > def socket_check(self): > asyncore.poll(timeout=0.0) > self.after(100, self.socket_check) > > > This simply causes asyncore to poll all the sockets every 100ms > during the tkinter event loop. The GUI doesn't block on IO since > all the IO calls are now handled with asyncore.