========= SCM Tests ========= Introduction ============ This is a collection of test cases for for various corner cases that are not handled well by many Software Configuration Management (SCM) tools. I created this after using PRCS for many years (which I thought was the first SCM to correctly handle branch/merge), and then having to move to git and/or mercurial. I always felt like there was something not quite right with these new SCMs but didn't have any firm evidence. Then I found `Maciej Blinzinski's tests `_ showing how git doesn't handle directory renames well which confirmed one of my suspicions. I decided I should probably collect and write a bunch of these kinds of tests for validating SCMs and providing empirical evidence to back any complaints I make. See also the `scm-correctness `_ bitbucket project. Contents ======== I'm not yet sure what I'm going to include in this, so the following list is a bit fictional. ========== ====================================================== Name Description ========== ====================================================== README This file. NEWS Summary of fixes and changes for each release. TODO List of outstanding tasks and future plans. tests Actual test cases... not sure how they will look. ========== ======================================================= Credits ======= Author: Donovan Baarda Thanks: Maciej Blinzinski for the first directory rename test. Conditions ========== Anyone can use any of this for anything. Letting me know when you do would be nice. Install ======= I'm not sure this needs installing, but we'll see. Usage ===== I'm not yet sure what needs to go here. Support ======= Email the author Donovan Baarda . When/If I set it up on githb or bitbucket I'll probably use their support tools. Development =========== I'm not yet sure what needs to go here. Design ====== There should probably be one. ---- http://minkirri.apana.org.au/~abo/projects/SCMTests/README $Id: README,v 65b64de6b1e1 2014/01/20 02:32:20 abo $