--> You are now talking on #apana-melb [...] On the phone with Andrew... Ok I'm off the phone with Andrew... just ringing anibal. Damn... I thought I had anibals number in my phone... but it turns out I had mislabled jethro's school number. I can't ring Anibal. Shall we have a mini-meeting just between us for now? I have a mini agenda from Andrew. Sorry, I left, yes. thats OK with me OK, mini-agenda... 1) outstanding fees... inc Urania 2) new volume bills 3) apana DB access from hub ... thats all I have so far So item 1? Meeting started 2003-10-11 12:45pm Sun All present type "Aye" so we can see you in the logs :-) Aye (can we have a meeting with only two?) Aye. (not officially, but thats OK, we can have an unofficial meeting) It just means we can't make decisions without confirmation from at least one (or is that two) other RC members. So, item 1? Ok. Item 1) Some people have outstanding fees. The worst offender is probably Sean from Urania. Someone (me) needs to call him about it. How much outstanding? Last time I called, he started paying back his outstandings at $50/month, but he's started slipping again. I think in the order of $400~$500, but I'd need to confirm. Ok. I will ring him today. Item 2? Amoung the other outstanding fees is myself... I will pay today :) One of the problems is finding out who owes, which brings us to Item 2... Item 2) Currently a limited number of people have sufficient access to the APANA database to find out things like who owes what. Andrew is one... Any one else? I dunno... getting access consists of getting Dean to add your machines IP address to the list of allowed clients I suggest we get a hub machine added...so that we can get access from the hub. Who is allowed access? Is there any set criteria? I dunno, but I can ask Dean. Andrew has been using a browser, which may be the only access you get. This probably means you need to use a machine which we can run a browser. Who should have access but doesn't? If it needs to be a graphical browser, then we need to use hock, so we can run galeon remotely. I thought we could add the hub proxy to it, so anyone going through the proxy could access it, but I suspect that will not be allowed :-) I'm not sure what is and isn't allowed, but when I ask Dean to do it for us, I'm sure all will be revealed. That might cause a few problems... Such as? Anyone with access to the proxy can access the database? I'm not sure if it is protected by IP address only... there might also be passwd protection. That might not be as bad. I thought that the IP protection was just there to protect the MySQL from remote hacking. It sounds like they use the same list to limit web access too for extra protection. Ok. I believe that once upon a time the apana MySQL database was wide open with no admin passwd... the IP based protection was introduced to protect it without busting any scripts that assumed no passwd. BTW, I jumped to Item 3)... We didn't discuss Item 2) New volume bills. Item 2? Item 2 was new volume bills... Item 3 was database access. --> BrianHavard (bjh@kheldar.apana.org.au) has joined #apana-melb Hello. Hey... Brian hi guys good to see you... long time no contact :-) just thought I'd drop in & say hi We were just going through a small IRC meeting... not enough RC to do it formally, but seeing as this was our first IRC meeting we thought we'd give it a go anyway. ok, no probs I'll post the full log to the list after we finish... we are just finishing off Item 3) (which we jumped to after skipping item 2) Item 3 (done second) was database access: you might know something about it The apana database is protected by IP: you need to get Dean to add your IP address to some list to get access. Andrew is currently the only Melb member that I know of who has access. Andrew uses a browser to talk to it.... Do you have any idea what the policy is on giving access... can we just get the melb proxy listed? It looks like we need to talk to Dean or Andrew. I'll sling Dean an email after the meeting... I just thought BrianHavard might know something. I haven't needed to access it for a while now, was using https://database.apana.org.au/ but that doesn't appear to work now so I guess I'm blocked. Don't know what the policy is though. OK... any further input on item 3-done-second? No. I'll email Dean and ask for access from a hub machine...depending on policy etc. Done Item 2-done-third): new volume bills The third quarter has just finished. We are due to send out the July-Sept volume bills. This quarter introduces the first lot of "including free volume" bills. The billing system will need to be tweaked to handle this. Anything need discussion here? I spoke to Andrew... all the scripts are now on boron. The only thing missing is Andrew used a local database that he hasn't migrated yet. I will speak with Andrew this month and do what is necissary to get the bills out before the end of this month. ok. I think that's it. Yes, I think so. Any further on Item 2-done-third? Any other issues to discuss? Not that I can think of. shall we call the end of the meeting? Yes. BrianHavard? yeah, fine OK... meeting ended 2003-10-11 13:14 Sat. Saving logs now...