================ *Project* README ================ Introduction ============ .. This should be a general description of what the project does, and why it exists. Contents ======== .. This should be a brief description of the contents of the distribution. It should include a list of important features in a table like this; =========== ====================================================== Name Description =========== ====================================================== README This file. AUTHORS The main project authors. THANKS All the project contributors. COPYING Copyright and licencing details. INSTALL Installation instructions. USAGE Usage instructions. SUPPORT Support details and instructions. DEVELOPMENT Development details and instructions. DESIGN Design details and description. TODO List of outstanding tasks and future plans. NEWS Summary of fixes and changes for each release. ChangeLog Detailed development change history. doc/ Contains project documentation. src/ Contains project source code. tests/ Contains project unit and functional tests. =========== ======================================================= .. It wouldn't hurt to have a few paragraphs here suggesting were to look in the distribution for bits and pieces. Credits ======= .. This section can be deleted if you have AUTHORS and THANKS files. This should list original authors, significant contributors, and related contributing projects. See AUTHORS and THANKS for contributors to this project. Conditions ========== .. This section can be deleted if you have a COPYING file. This should be the copyright and licencing terms and condtions. See COPYING for the copyright and licencing details. Install ======= See INSTALL for installation instructions. Usage ===== .. Simple Instructions for usage after installing. May include a reference to man pages or documentation in doc/, or the following; See USAGE for usage instructions. Support ======= .. This should list all the user-level contact points for support, including mailing lists, discussion forums, online documentation, trackers, etc. It should also include instructions or pointers to instructions on procedures and conventions when using them. Documentation ------------- .. Mention any provided documentation, and provide links to any online documentation, FAQ's etc. http://www.project.net/ The project homepage. http://wiki.project.net/ The project wiki site Discussion ---------- .. Provide links to any IRC channels, mailing lists or online discussion forums, giving any necissary subscription information etc. http://lists.project.net/project-announce Low volume project announcements list. http://lists.project.net/project-users User discussion list. http:///lists.project.net/project-devel Developer discussion list. Reporting Problems ------------------ .. This should describe the procedure for users to report bugs, providing any useful links. http://www.project.net/doc/bug_procedure.html Online instructions for reporting bugs. http://tracker.project.net/ The projects bug tracker. Development =========== See DEVELOPMENT for development instructions. Design ====== .. This section can be deleted if you have a DESIGN file. See DESIGN for the design details and description. Plans ===== See TODO for future plans. History ======= See NEWS and ChangeLog for past history. ---- http://project/url/README $Id: README,v 82b72fe70897 2021/03/12 00:35:22 abo $