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Annex Inactivity Timers

Last Modified: April 16, 1996

Within the Annex software, there exists two sets of inactivity port parameters. The first set acts upon sessions running CLI, telnet, or rlogin. The second set acts upon ports running network protocols, such as SLIP, PPP, and ARAP. The following is a handy little summary of each.

CLI / telnet / rlogin Inactivity

Parameter Description
cli_inactivity Number of minutes before a CLI session is labeled inactive
inactivity_timer Number of minutes before a connected interactive session (telnet or rlogin) is labeled as inactive
input_is_activity Should input (ie. user typing) be considered activity?
output_is_activity Should output (from the host) be considered activity?

SLIP / PPP / ARAP Inactivity

Parameter Description
net_inactivity Number of seconds or minutes before a networking session (SLIP, PPP, or ARAP) is labeled as inactive
net_inactivity_units nits for above. Either minutes or seconds

Note that one set of inactivity timers OR the other are in play at any one time, but not both. If you're interactive, the first set of port timers are running. If you're networked, the second set of port timers are running. This may not be immediately obvious.

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