Configuring an Annex with
SecurID Security
This document describes and summarizes the
steps necessary to get a Bay Networks Remote
Annex or Communications Server to inter-operate
in a Security Dynamics SecurID environment. This
document tries to make very few assumptions about
the initial environment or the users familiarity
with either product. Associated documentation
written by either Bay Networks or Security
Dynamics is referenced whenever possible.
This document is a joint effort by both Bay
Networks and Security Dynamics to aid and assist
mutual customers. However, this document should
not be construed as a commitment by either
company. While every attempt will be made to keep
this document as up-to-date as possible, this
information is subject to change without notice.
Pre-Requisite Software Version Information
Remote Annex 2000/4000/6x00 Family & Bay
Networks 539x
The Remote Annex family of Bay Networks
remote access servers running version R9.2.7 or
later all provide support for Security Dynamics
ACE/Server Client API version 1.x. Additionally,
SecurID ACE/Server Client API version 2.x is
supported on Remote Annex servers running version
X11.1.2 or later.
Annex 3 & Micro Annex XL Family
The Annex Comm. Server family of Bay Networks
communications servers running version R9.2.7 or
later all provide support for Security Dynamics
ACE/Server Client API version 1.x. Additionally,
SecurID ACE/Server Client API version 2.x is
supported on Annex 3 or Micro Annex XL servers
running version X10.0.1 or later. The Micro Annex
ELS does not support SecurID.
Configuring ACE/Server for Annex as a Client
Be sure a UNIX Client is added to the
ACE/Server for the UNIX host running erpcd
and that users have been activated on this
Section to be completed at a later date.
Installing and Configuring Annex Host-Based
Performing Initial Installation Built from
Source Code
To successfully get the Annex Host-Based
Software to work with SecurID, you must choose to
install the software from the source code as
opposed to using pre-compiled binaries. This is
partially due to the fact that Bay Networks does
not supply the ACE/Server Client API libraries
with our distribution. Thankfully, every UNIX
platform supported by the Annex software includes
source code.
Over time, the Annex software installation
procedure has become more refined. In general,
refer to your Annex Installation Notes for
UNIX to determine the exact method of
starting the software installation. At some point
during the installation, the procedure will give
you the option of loading the source code and
optionally building/compiling the software. Be
sure to select the source code option as opposed
to the "binary files only" option, even
if building/compiling isn't an option. The
modifications to the Annex host software will
require re-building anyway.
Required Modifications for SecurID
The basic goal of the modifications required
to integrate SecurID into an Annex Host-Based
Software installation revolve around the fact
that the ACE/Server Client API library, sdiclient.a,
must be included within the link path. For best
results, if erpcd is not to be run on
the ACE/Server, be sure a full SecurID UNIX
client installation has been performed. Refer to
the ACE/Server Clients for UNIX chapter of
the ACE/Server Installation Guide for
The only UNIX executable required to be aware
of SecurID is the daemon erpcd The
source code to this program is stored in the src/erpcd
sub-directory of your Annex software installation
directory. For this example, let's assume the
Annex software was installed into the /ra
- Change into the /ra/src
# cd /ra/src
- Create a directory called sdclient:
# mkdir sdclient
- Copy the required ACE/Server Client API
header files and library from /usr/ace:
cp /usr/ace/<host-type>/sdiclient.a ./sdclient
cp /usr/ace/<host-type>/*.h ./sdclient
Note that ACE/Server version 2.1.1 Client
API files are stored directly in /usr/ace,
while version 2.2 Client API files are
stored in /usr/ace/prog.
Modify the two cp commands
above as necessary.
- Edit the ./erpcd/Makefile and
make the following changes:
Uncomment the two lines that
define ACE1_2 or ACE2_0
and specify the ACE/Server Client API
library path. Also, comment out the
flag that causes the "Annex
password:" prompt to
appear. Change:
# SECURIDFILES = ../sdclient/sdiclient.a
SECURIDFILES = ../sdclient/sdiclient.a
Note that for Annex version R11.1
or greater and/or SecurID ACE/Server
Client API version 2.x, the
SECURIDFLAG line may be slightly
different, but the change required is
the same. The comments within ./erpcd/Makefile
also document the changes required.
Refer to these comments for more
detailed and up-to-date information.
Re-Building the Annex Software
- Kill all existing erpcd
# ps -ax | grep erpcd
25493 ? IW 0:00 ./erpcd
25797 p1 S 0:00 grep erpcd
# kill 25493
- Re-build erpcd:
# cd /ra/src
# make erpcd
- Make sure that ACP is enabled in the eservices
file, typically found in the /usr/annex
directory. To enable ACP, confirm that a
pound sign (#) does not precede the line
containing the text "acp".
The final result should look similar to:
# erpc remote programs
# prog no. verlo verhi name
1 0 0 bfs
3 0 99 acp
- Make sure that the machine running erpcd
has an alias of securid_0 in
the /etc/hosts file for the
machine that is running the ACE/Server (
which may not necessarily the machine
running erpcd) . For example:
# grep securid_0 /etc/hosts demosrus securid_0
- Move the newly built erpcd
into the /usr/annex directory
and start it.
# mv /usr/annex/erpcd /usr/annex/erpcd.old
# cp ./erpcd/erpcd /usr/annex
# /usr/annex/erpcd
Configuring Annex for Host-Based Security
The following Annex parameters are required
to enable Host-Based Security, which in turn
enables ACE/Server based security. The parameters
are shown with the required values. These values
can be set by getting into admin:: on
the Annex, or through Annex Manager.
Annex Parameter Required Value
--------------- --------------
enable_security Y
pref_secure1_host <IP address of erpcd UNIX host>
cli_security Y
Additionally, with version R11.1 or later of the
Remote Annex software, the file acp_regime
in the /usr/annex directory should
contain at least one line referencing the "securid"
security paradigm. For example:
# cat acp_regime
There are a few things you can try yourself
to diagnose problems with SecurID authentication.
Note that ACE/Server version 2.2 binaries and
example files are stored in /usr/ace/prog.
Last Modified: February 18, 1997 
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Bay Networks,Inc., 1997. All rights reserved.