Configuring UUCP and CU to
work via an Annex port
Last Modified: April 17, 1996
A common requirement of many UNIX systems is
the ability to connect to other UNIX systems via
direct and dial up connections, for the purposes
of remote file transfer, mail and remote login.
The standard UNIX UUCP package permits these
operations to be performed, using a set of
application programs. These programs, along with
various necessary configuration files, are
usually kept in the /usr/lib/uucp directory on
most UNIX systems, work files and any necessary
datafiles are created in /usr/spool/uucp and its
subdirectories. A Component part of the UUCP
package is the CU utility which allows a user to
connect to a remote system using either a dialup
or a direct serial link.
UUCP is normally configured to use a directly
connected tty device. However in order to access
an Annex serial device the connection must be
made via TCP/IP. One way of configuring UUCP to
work with an Annex serial port is by using the
rtelnet utility, supplied with the Annex software
distribution. Rtelnet is used to create a device
linked to a corresponding pseudo device that can
communicate via TCP/IP to an Annex serial port.
UUCP utilities can then use this device in the
same way as a directly connected tty device.
However, on some versions of UUCP it is
possible to access the TCP stack directly, in
order to connect to a particular TCP Internet
address and port number. This makes it possible
for UUCP utilities to directly access a specified
Annex port or group of ports defined as a
'rotary'. This is much better than using rtelnet,
as a layer of interface software is dispensed
with, making the UUCP connections more efficient
and robust.
UNIX systems that use AT&T V.3 and V.4
UUCP implementations have this capability, by the
provision of a special CU/UUCP internal dialer
called TLIS.
The following is a description of the entries
that are required in various files located in the
/usr/lib/uucp directory, in order for UUCP
utilities to work correctly using a Annex for
dialout and dialin.
Annex Port Configuration
An Annex port should be configured for both
dialin and dialout, with full 8 bit transparency.
mode: adaptive
type: dial_in
bits: 8
/usr/lib/uucp/Sysfiles Entries
service=uucico devices=Devices.uucp
Two different Devices files are required in
order specify a different type of connection for
use by uucico and cu, in order to provide a raw
8-bit connection for uucp file transfers, and a
telnet connection for use with cu. Uucico is the
program that actually performs the file transfer
across the serial link.
/usr/lib/uucp/Devconfig Entries
service=cu device=mserv push=tirdwr
service=uucico device=mserv push=tirdwr
This pushes the tirdwr streams module onto
the stack. Without these entries, cu and uucico
will fail.
/usr/lib/uucp/Systems Entries
If the remote modem port is a directly
connected tty port, the Systems entry would be of
the form :
RHOST Any mserv Any 0123456789 "" \r\d ogin:\rogin: nuucp word: nuucp
The following Systems entry assumes that the
remote modem port is an Annex CLI, with prompt
'annex'. CLI security is enabled on the Annex,
and therefore a username and password are
required before the Annex CLI can be accessed.
Rlogin is used to access the host Jupiter, as
user nuucp, in order to start up the uucico
program on the remote machine :
RHOST Any mserv Any 0123456789 "" \r\d name:-\r-name: joe word:
bloggs \r\d annex rlogin\sJupiter\s-l\snuucp word: nuucp
The following Systems entry assumes that the
remote modem port is a annex CLI, with CLI
security disabled :
RHOST Any mserv Any 0123456789 "" \r\d annex:-\r-annex:
rlogin\sJupiter\s-l\snuucp word: nuucp
RHOST should be replaced by the name of the
remote host as given by the command 'uname'
executed on the remote host.
mserv is the device tag used to cross
reference the entry to to be used in the Devices
0123456789 is the number to dial.
The chat script '\r\d annex
rlogin\sJupiter\s\-l\snuucp word: nuucp' is used
to rlogin to the host Jupiter with user name and
password nuucp.
These chat scripts may require
additions/alterations in some cases.
Setting Up a Rotary
You can configure cu and uucp to work in
conjunction with an Annex rotary you have defined
as below:
moduucp: protocol=raw 3-6@
modcu: direct_camp_on=never 3-6@
Two rotaries are defined; 'moduucp' which
allows 8-bit uucp file transfers over the
connection and 'modcu' which allows a dialup
terminal connection to a remote host.
Devices Entries
The following Devices entries configure the
IP address and port number that the TLIS dialer
accesses. Three Dialers are used: 'TLIS',
'xlogin' and 'pp9600'. The TLIS dialer requires
an octal or hexadecimal address of the port to
access. In this instance the TCP Internet address
of the Annex, as well as a port address. This
port number can be in the 5000 range for a telnet
connection to single port, 6000 range for defined
rotary and 7000 range for a Raw connection to a
single port.
Both raw and telnet connections to a Annex
port are required, if both CU and UUCP file
transfer utilities are to be used and this is
achieved by using two Device files, Devices.uucp
for Raw connections, and for telnet
Example entry for a modem on port3 of annex
mserv tcp - - TLIS \x00021b5b87654321 xlogin - pp9600 \D
Example entry for rotary moduucp:
mserv tcp - - TLIS \x000217d487654321 xlogin - pp9600 \D
Example entry for a modem on port3 of annex
mserv tcp - - TLIS \x0002138b87654321 xlogin - pp9600 \D
Example entry for rotary modcu:
mserv tcp - - TLIS \x0002183887654321 xlogin - pp9600 \D
mserv is device tag. tcp - uses /dev/tcp as
port "-" no aux port to use
"-" speed entry. The Annex handles the
speed of the connection to the modem, which does
any speed conversion.
TLIS - The System V Transport Layer Interface
Streams Dialer. The Address passed to the TLIS
dialer is encoded in hexadecimal as follows :
0002 -- internet addressing
1B5b -- hex for 7003 a raw connection to port 3 on the annex. Needed for 8bit uucp file transfers.
138b -- hex for 5003 a telnet connection to port 3 on the Annex. Needed to run a terminal session to a
remote host.
17d4 -- hex for 6100. Allows access to rotary 'moduucp'
1838 -- hex for 6200. Allows access to rotary 'modcu'
The IP address of the Annex is converted into
hexadecimal by converting each byte of the IP
address into it's Hex equivalent. If we use the
IP address
135 = 87(hex), 101 = 65(hex), 67 = 43(hex),
33 = 21(hex)
87654321 -- hex for the IP address of the
'xlogin -' -- The dialer token pair, used to
login in to the Annex port server, if the annex
has been configured with port server security.
This dialer token pair can be omitted if port
server security is not being used.
'pp9600 \D' -- The dialer token pair for the
modem type (a Hayes compatible dialer in this
Dialers Entries
This dialer entry is used to negotiate port
server security on dial out. Only required if
Annex port server security is being used.
xlogin "" name: annex word: annex granted
The Hayes compatible dialer used to dial the
number given in the Systems file.
pp9600 =,-, "" \r\dAT\r\c OK ATV1EOH OK ATDP\D\r\c CONNECT-\c-
Remote Machine Configuration
There should be an entry in the password file
on the remote machine for the user nuucp, of the
In order to initiate uucp file transfers to
the host you will have to make sure that the
Permissions file on the remote host is setup
appropriately ie.
The remote host will also need an entry added
to the Systems file for the host that is to dial
it. It can just be of the form:
If the remote machine is never going to call
the local machine and LHOST is the name of the
local host as given by the command uname,
executed on the local end of the uucp link.
You should now be able to initiate uucp
commands to a remote host specified by the
Systems entry RHOST. Use the following commands
to test the connection:
/usr/lib/uucp/Uutry -r -x9 RHOST or
cu -d RHOST

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